5 B Sound Books for Speech Therapy

If your child is working on producing the B sound appropriately, then reading books with the B sound is a great activity to do together. Reading books with your child’s target sound will help give him many good models of the sound (a great auditory bombardment activity). When you’re reading the book to your child, please make sure to emphasize the B sound in all target words. You can remind your child that the B sound is made when you press your lips together and release a small puff of air. Since the B sound is very visual, it’s a good idea to use a mirror when helping your child produce this sound. Below are five B sound books bombarded with the sound to help improve your child’s articulation skills.

B sound books

B Sound Books for Speech Therapy

1. Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

/B/ initial words include: boom, B, beat, be, breath, black, but, bed,

/B/ medial words include: alphabet, everybody, stubbed, about, double,

2. Mr. Bounce

/B/ initial words include: bounce, ball, bed, bedroom, banged, breakfast, backwards, bus, be, blotting, boots

/B/ medial words include: rubber, probably, rubbing, about, pebble

3. The Baby Beebee Bird

/B/ initial words include: baby, beebee, bird, big, bed, bear, beebeebobbi,

/B/ medial words include: baby, beebee, beebeebobbi,

4. Wheels on the Bus

/B/ initial words include: bus (repeated on every page), ball, big,

5. On Beyond Bugs

/B/ initial words include: beyond, bugs, by, black, butterfly, buzz, beetle, bumble, bee, birds, bright, bubble, bubbly, busy, be, back, behind, but, bite, beats, both, bothering, beautiful, butterfly

/B/ medial words include: ladybug, abdomen, lightning-bug, bubble, trouble, bubbly, honeybee

/B/ final words include: job

For more speech sound activities and tips please visit here.

b Sound Books

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