Easy Mother’s Day Craft for Increasing Language Skills

Mother’s Day is coming up on May 8th this year (2022). This is a great time of the year for your child to make something special to give to mom. The easy Mother’s Day craft shown here is simple and great for young children around ages 2-5 years. Continue reading to learn how to create this easy craft with your child, and how to target language goals while doing so.

Easy Mother's Day Craft

“I Love You to Pieces” Craft


1. Heart Template (click to download and print)

2. Small pieces of paper; construction paper or tissue paper work best

3. Glue


Easy Mother's Day Craft
Heart Template


Have many different colored pieces of paper prepared for your child. Your child will glue the paper on the heart.

Language Goals to Target

Requesting- You should keep control of the paper and glue. Have your child request for the paper and glue when needed (Ex. “I want the red” or “I need glue”).

Expanding Utterances- Help expand your child’s utterances when requesting. For example, if your child says “red”, you can say “want red” or “I want the red” and have your child repeat prior to giving him the paper.

Following Directions- Give your child specific directions to follow while gluing the paper on the heart. For example, Glue on a blue paper. For a child practicing multi-step directions you could say; Glue on the blue than the green paper.

Spatial Concepts- Give your child a direction with a spatial concept; such as Glue the paper at the bottom of the heart or Glue the blue paper next to a green paper.

Easy Mother's Day Craft
Finished Project

Happy Mother’s Day to all the fabulous mothers out there!! ENJOY YOUR DAY!


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