5 Ways to Use Let’s Go Fishin’ Game for Speech Therapy

Let’s Go Fishin‘ game is favorite among my students. I really enjoy using this game in speech therapy since it can be played so many different ways and is easily able to be played with groups of children. The game is geared for children ages 4 to 7, however, many of my older students choose this game over and over. Continue reading to learn how to use Let’s Go Fishin‘ in 5 different ways for speech therapy.

5 Ways to Use Let’s Go Fishin’ in Speech Therapy

1. Turn-Taking

The game comes with four fishing poles. Have students take turns trying to catch a fish. You can have your students request for their turns “my turn”. The students can also help pass the “pond” around and remind other students of their turns “it’s your turn”. If you’re just working with one student then you can take turns with the child yourself.

2. Increase Utterance Length

Once the child catches a fish, turn the game off so the pond stops rotating. Have the student tell you about what he just caught (Ex. “I got a fish” or “I caught a blue fish”). Help the child expand on his utterance.

3. Practice Colors

This game is very motivating for practicing colors. Once the child catches a fish have him label the color of the fish. The game comes with blue, green, red, orange, and yellow fish.

4. Practice Counting

Let each student catch as many fish as he can in a certain amount of time (30 seconds or 1 minute). Turn the game off and then have your student count the number of fish he caught.

5. Reinforcer

Use this game as a reinforcer for any speech or language goal you may be working on with a child. It is great to take a break from practicing articulation words and let the child catch a few fish before practicing again.

Let's Go Fishin'

*Remember the game requires a C battery


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